Switch Series #04 – Holy Tactile Print (A3)


We have here a numbered and limited run of 50 x A3 sized prints with a twist!

We have a normal variant for the minimalist in you, and a halo version for you crazy lot who liked it, 25 of each!

The fourth print run of the main series will be a Holy Tactile switch 🙂

Shipping Dates

I am looking to ship these by the end of April / beginning of May 🙂


  • Print is A3 in size so 297 x 420 mm.
  • Each print is printed on 240gsm silk stock and will be sent in a cardboard poster tube.
  • Each print also comes with a signed and numbered KiwiKeebs auth card 🙂
  • Each print will have a #/50 drawn on the front bottom right corner to denote which number you got! (Numbers are allocated randomly!)

PS: If you have any questions be sure to drop by the Cable Cult discord server and get in touch! Link here https://discord.gg/XzW8gCV
NOTE: Colours may be changed slightly before print to allow for a more accurate representation, wording may also be changed if required.


Additional information

Print Type

Standard, With Halo